Grounding Cable, Jumper Cable Assembly & Testing

Testing, Cleaning, Repairs
We offer cleaning, repair, and certification testing of by-pass jumper cables and ground cables. Cables are cleaned before testing. If equipment requires repairs for re-certification, we will provide a quote for the parts and labor.
We build certified grounding cables/clusters and by-pass jumper cables tested according to ASTM and OSHA standards. Our facility has a well-stocked inventory of cable and grounds/jumper accessories to build to specification.
Custom Grounding Cable / Grounding Cluster Assembly
Personal protective grounds are important to the safety of a worker when performing tasks on electrical power systems that may become reenergized.
Information we need:
Configuration (Single or Cluster)
Length of cable (from ferrule to ferrule)
Size of cable (#2, 1/0, 2/0, 4/0)
Color of the cable (yellow or clear)
Style (“C” type, duckbill, bus, tower, flats) and size (1″ max jaw opening) of clamp
Threaded or plain ferrules
Shrouded or unshrouded ferrules

Bypass Jumper Cable Assembly
Intro for cable assembly
Length of cable (from ferrule to ferrule)
Size of cable (#2, 1/0, 2/0, 4/0)
KV insulation (15kV, 25kV, 35kV)
Style (“C” type, duckbill, bus, tower, flats) and size (1″ max jaw opening) of clamp
Threaded or plain ferrules